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Chaela Z.

Creative, Introspective, Passionate

"There is not much danger that real talent or goodness will be overlooked long; even if it is, the consciousness of possessing and using it well should satisfy one
- Louisa May Alcott

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Chaela Zaide has been a part of the SLI program since the 7th grade. Throughout the years, she has worked with passion and determination through various projects such as Project Invent, and Project Pay-it-forward. Both of these experiences hold immense value, as these projects in particular, have been able to help the community with ongoing issues and she hopes to have made a lasting impact. She has a strong interest in biological sciences, and plans to continue in that field going into the future.

Outside of school, Chaela spends her free time drawing and reading. As she also finds a lot of value in the creative arts, she makes sure to improve her skills in this field. Aside from art, she also enjoys spending time with friends and family, listening to music, and picking up different hobbies. 
The 49ers STEM Leadership Institute (49ers SLI) provides multi-year, year-round academic support, STEM enrichment, skills training, and leadership opportunities to students in middle and high school. Students, who are with the program for six years from 7th through 12th grade, commit annually to 300+ hours of program learning time in addition to their typical school hours. By cultivating student mastery in STEM subjects and in key skill areas, the program prepares students for college and empowers them to pursue their passions; so that they may become the well-rounded leaders of the future. The 49ers STEM Leadership Institute is made possible by the strong partnership between Silicon Valley Education Foundation, 49ers Foundation, Chevron, and the Santa Clara Unified School District.

Special Thanks To...

49ers SLI students Danielle B, Stephanie K, & Jennifer L for designing and building this website in 2019.

49ers SLI student Aribah H for editing all headshot photos for this website.

Communications Team Danielle B, Dana C, Aribah H, Halle K, Stephanie K, Jennifer L for editing content and building pages for the 2021 Seniors.

Founding Partners

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