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Alexis A1

Anika Dontu, a senior at Santa Clara High School, has been in the 49ers STEM Leadership Institute since 7th-grade. During this time she developed her leadership and communication skills, along with learning how to build innovative solutions. After participating in Project Invent during her sophomore year, she discovered her passion for creating technology to help those around her. To pursue this passion she has decided to major in Computer Science with specialization in Bioinformatics, a combination of her interests of both technology and science.
Anika heads Girls For Med, a non-profit organization working to bring gender equality to the field and provide opportunities for women interested in medicine. One of their main events are their Annual Mock Dock competition and Summer Camp, attracting participants from around the world. Anika also participates in a variety of school activities. She is the treasurer of Girls Who Code and a player on the school’s varsity basketball team. Anika also has recently been named this year's Salutatorian. In her free time Anika enjoys reading, taking walks with her friends and family, and dancing.
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